Aplikasi Baitul Mal Kota Banda

by Get IT Simple



The Baitul Mal application for the City of Banda Aceh is an Integrated Application of various programs, including for the purposes of Infaq & Zakat, News Portals, and Educational Videos presented by Baitul Mal for the City of Banda Aceh for the people.The Baitul Mal of Banda Aceh City was formed in the context of implementing Islamic Sharia and optimizing the utilization of zakat, waqf, and religious assets as the economic potential of Muslims. This is stated in the Aceh Government Qanun No 10 of 2007.In 2018, Commission VII of the Aceh DPR completed the discussion of the Draft Aceh Qanun on Baitul Mal replacing Qanun Number 10 of 2007.There are several changes in the draft qanun including, the Baitul Mal organizational structure will be filled by commissioners and additional authority to manage waqf assets. After going through a long process, the Aceh Government finally ratified Qanun No. 10 of 2018 concerning Baitul Mal.